0714 统计学


来源: 发布时间 : 2020-04-14 点击量:







1. Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Frank L. Lewis.Coordination of multi-agent systems on interacting physical and communication topologies. Systems & Control Letters, 100: 56-65, 2017.

2. Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Yun Zhang.Consensus of high-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with constrained switching topologies. Complexity, 2017: 5340642, 2017.

3. Kairui Chen, Junwei Wang (corresponding author), Yun Zhang, Zhi Liu.Adaptive consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with unknown backlash-like hysteresis. Neurocomputing, 175: 698-703, 2016.

4. Junwei Wang, Qinghua Ma, Aimin Chen, Zhipeng Liang. Pinning synchronization of fractional-order complex networks with Lipschitz-type nonlinear dynamics. ISA Transactions, 57: 111-116, 2015.

5. Junwei Wang, Caibin Zeng. Synchronization of fractional-order linear complex networks. ISA Transactions, 55: 129-134, 2015.

6. Junwei Wang, Kairui Chen, Qinghua Ma. Adaptive leader-following consensus of multi-agent systems with unknown nonlinear dynamics. Entropy, 16: 5020-5031, 2014.

7. Junwei Wang, Qinghua Ma, Li Zeng. Observer-based synchronization in fractional-order leader–follower complex networks. Nonlinear Dynamics, 73: 921-929, 2013.

8. Junwei Wang, Yun Zhang. Robust projective outer synchronization of coupled uncertain fractional-order complex networks. Central European Journal of Physics, 11: 813-823, 2013.

9. Junwei Wang, Xiaohua Xiong. A general fractional-order dynamical network: synchronization behavior and state tuning. Chaos, 22: 023102, 2012.

10. Junwei Wang, Qinghua Ma, Li Zeng, Mohammed Abd-Elouahab. Mixed outer synchronization of coupled complex networks with time-varying coupling delay. Chaos, 21: 013121, 2011.

11. Junwei Wang, Aimin Chen. A new scheme to projective synchronization of fractional-order chaotic systems. Chinese Physics Letters, 27: 110501, 2010.

12.Junwei Wang, Tianshou Zhou. cAMP-regulated dynamics of the mammalian circadian clock. BioSystems, 101: 136-143, 2010.

13.Junwei Wang, Yanbin Zhang. A computational model clarifies the roles of positive and negative feedback loops in the Drosophila circadian clock. Physics Letters A, 374: 2743-2749, 2010.



1.  2014年广东省第二届高校青年教师教学竞赛二等奖(广东省总工会、广东省教育厅)

2.  2014年被授予“广东省职工经济技术创新能手”称号(广东省总工会、 广东省人力资源和社会保障厅、广东省经济和信息化委员会、广东省科学技术厅)

3.  2014年被评为广东省高校“千百十工程”第六批培养对象优秀个人

4.  广东外语外贸大学优秀科研业绩奖一等奖(2010年、2011年)和二等奖(2012年--2016年)

5.  2010-2011、2014-2015学年度广东外语外贸大学优秀教师

6.  2010-2012年创先争优优秀共产党员














